Aristotle Detective is the first in Margaret Doody’s series set in ancient Athens, and featuring (big surprise!) Aristotle as the detective, along with his young former student, Stephanos. I read and enjoyed the first three books in this series shortly before a trip to Athens, and the background I had soaked up from reading them definitely enhanced my enjoyment of my visit there. And the mysteries were fun too! Sadly, however, books four and five, from a different publisher, don’t seem to be available in e-book. And it actually appears there are even more titles in Italian, not yet translated into English. Maybe someday…
In any case, Aristotle Detective is now on sale in the UK for £1.99, which is kind of unusual. The first three books go on sale in the US pretty often, but I haven’t noticed them on sale in the UK much, if at all.
Buy at Kindle UK
Aristotle and Poetic Justice is the second in the series. It has dropped to $2.99 at Kindle and Kobo US, and it’s discountable at Kobo.
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Aristotle and the Secrets of Life is the third in the series. It has dropped to $2.99 at Kindle and Kobo US today, and it’s discountable at Kobo US.
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
The second and third books in the series, Aristotle and Poetic Justice and Aristotle and the Secrets of Life, are both $2.99 right now in the US. The links in the comments above are all still good, and here’s the link for Secrets at Kobo US:
Note that both are discountable at Kobo….
Aristotle and the Secrets of Life is $2.99 again at Kindle and Kobo US. The links in the comments above are still good.
Aristotle and the Secrets of Life has dropped to $2.99 at Kindle and Kobo US again today, and it’s discountable at Kobo US, where coupon code “Partners22” gives 40% off on one book per cart. (So, of course, if you want to buy more than one book with the coupon, you have to check out each book in its own cart…) The links in the comment above are still good.
Aristotle Detective is now on sale at Kindle US for $1.99:
Aristotle Detective is £1.99 again at Kindle UK. The link in the OP is still good…