Over the past year or so, Jessie Mihalik made her fans happy by offering a couple of short fantasy/romance stories for free on her website: Books & Broadswords in early 2023, and then later, Rocks & Rapiers. These were web-serials, set in the same world, but not really linked other than that. And as you can tell from my short mini-reviews/postings (see here and here), I enjoyed both of them a lot.
Now, as she announced in a blog post not too long ago, she’s taken the stories off her website, and is offering the two together in a single volume. It’s titled, optimistically, Books & Broadswords, Volume One, and will be available at all the usual places on June 11. (I say “optimistically”, since the presence of a “Volume One” implies that there might someday be a “Volume Two“. In fact, in her post, Mihalik mentions that she has the idea for at least one more story, although the time to write it might be a bit lacking 😊. And having more stories in this world would be great.) Oh yeah, and there’s also some bonus material at the end of Volume One.
And I still keep hoping for merch – I would love a Books & Broadswords t-shirt or tote book that looks as if it’s from a real bookstore…
Pre-order ($2.99 in the US, CAD$3.73 in Canada, £1.99 in the UK) at Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon Canada | Kobo US | Kobo UK | Kobo Canada