A Death in the Family is the fifth in author duo Michael Stanley’s Detective Kubu series. It’s $0.99 right now at Kindle US.
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A Death in the Family is the fifth in author duo Michael Stanley’s Detective Kubu series. It’s $0.99 right now at Kindle US.
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Facets of Death is the next-to-most recent (2020) in the Detective Kubu series by Michael Stanley, although SYKM advises that it’s a prequel. It has dropped to $0.99 in the US. This seems to be a slightly different edition than previously, so you’ll probably want to check your library before you buy…
Kindle US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C8F8YZMY
Kobo US: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/facets-of-death-3