A review of Dead Tired by Kat Ailes – recently published

Don’t read this LOL-inducing book around other people…

When I was offered a review copy of Dead Tired, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.    But what I found was a nicely plotted mystery with a lot of enjoyable moments of snark.   I missed the first book in the series, during which, apparently, Alice’s group of expectant mothers and assorted dogs solved a murder.   Now they’re all mothers for real, and so desperate for sleep that chaining themselves to a tree overnight during an eco-protest seems like a good idea.   Hence the title:   Dead Tired.

Of course they run into another dead body, chained to the next tree over, and with their past success in mind, they feel equipped to do some sleuthing again.    Equally, of course, they don’t truly know what they are doing, so laugh-out-loud moments abound – arising from their investigations, but also from their dogs (Helen!), kids, and even their erstwhile jobs.

Dead Tired is a quick fun read that would be great for the beach or poolside, although maybe not so suitable for an airplane – see “laugh-out-loud” above.   My only complaint, which is not the book’s fault, is the major suspension of disbelief that was required to accept the idea of a maternity leave that would be long enough to actually bond with a group of other expecting/recently delivered moms.   Such a thing simply doesn’t exist in the US, so the moment I read about months of leave, I knew I was in some foreign land.   And a much more rational and humane one at that!

Finally, my thanks to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for my review copy.    Oh, and for once, I like the US cover (up above) better than the UK one!

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