Humble Bundle has a “re-Bundle” of John Scalzi books available right now – the top tier is 21 books for only $18, which is only 86 cents each if you need all of them, and can still be a pretty good bargain even if you only need some of them. This is VERY short time repeat of an earlier Scalzi deal – hence the “re-Bundle”. Twenty-one books is way too many for me to type all the titles, but there’s a link to the webpage for the deal toward the end of this post, and you can check it out for yourself. It does include all six titles in Scalzi’s Old Man’s War series, and a bunch of others.
It’s a little bit odd, though – this time there don’t seem to be any tiers. It’s either $18 for 21 books, or nothing. Usually Humble Bundle has three different tiers, where you get more books the more you pay. In this case, though, there just seems to be the one option.
Once you’ve bought the Bundle, the books are then available via direct download, which is also a little bit different – often the bundles are redeemed through Kobo.
It’s also worth noting that you also have an opportunity to pay a little bit more, and have the balance go to a charity of Humble Bundle’s choosing. Info about which charity is currently receiving the donations from this Bundle is on the lower right side of the Bundle webpage – right now it’s a charity called First Book, which sounds quite appropriate.
Here’s a link to the Bundle page, and my thanks to @pdurrant on the Mobile Read forums, whose post alerted me to this deal. Today is Nov 29, 2024 and the Bundle indicates it’s available for 8 more days.