Another first-in-series freebie from Poisoned Pen Press…
Murder at the Filmore is the first in the Virginia Holmes series by Zelda White. It is free right now (Feb 20, 2021) at Kindle US and UK. Also, rather oddly for PPP, the rest of the titles in the series are $0.99 each, so if you like the first one, and want to read more, you’re in luck! Even more oddly, this appears to be their regular price, and each of them appears to have been free at least once in the last year or two, and several more often than that. This is quite odd behavior for PPP, but if you are patient, you might be able to pick up one or more additional titles for free. No guarantees, of course, and they could go up too! And they are never free for very long, so if you want this one, grab it!