Rocket to the Morgue is the second in Anthony Boucher’s short two-book Sister Ursula series, written by Boucher using pen name HH Holmes. It’s $1.99 today in the US, and discountable at Kobo.
Buy at Kindle US | Kobo US (discountable)
Rocket to the Morgue is the second in Anthony Boucher’s short two-book Sister Ursula series, written by Boucher using pen name HH Holmes. It’s $1.99 today in the US, and discountable at Kobo.
Buy at Kindle US | Kobo US (discountable)
Rocket to the Morgue is $1.99 today at Kindle US, as part of today’s Daily Deal, but not matched at Kobo US this time – or at least, not yet. The link in the OP is still good…
Boucher’s The Case of the Baker Street Irregulars, apa Blood on Baker Street, is $1.99 at Kindle US right now: