Tall Man in Ray-Bans is the first in the John Tall Wolf series by Joseph Flynn, which is a spin-off from Flynn’s Jim McGill series. Flynn started off as traditionally published, and now runs his own Stray Dog Press, but I’ve liked all of Flynn’s Tall Wolf, McGill, and Ketchum books that I’ve read, including this one. You might enjoy this a little more if you’ve read a good chunk of the McGill series, but I think it’s still okay as a stand-alone series too.
Tall Man is free right now at Kindle US and UK.
A few months later, Tall Man in Ray-Bans is free again at Kindle US and UK…
Tall Man in Ray-Bans is free again at Kindle US and UK. The links in the OP are still good. Note that the rest of the series is KU, so if you like this one, and want to binge the rest, and you have KU, you’re in luck!