Tin God by Elizabeth Hunter is out tomorrow – a review

A wild and enjoyable trip…

I loved Elizabeth Hunter’s Cambio Springs series, and have now started reading and enjoying some of her Elemental Universe books.   So when I got a chance to skip to the most recent Elemental book, via a review copy of Tin God, I jumped on it.

Tin God is described as a crossover between Hunter’s Elemental Covenant and Elemental Legacy series, and also as the last in the Elemental Covenant series.   As such, it definitely has the sweeping feel of a final book, with the ramifications of things that took place eons ago finally getting worked out.   Although it was harsh, the resolution wrapped things up in a way that felt right.    And I also enjoyed the crossover concept:  seeing four protagonists from two different series, with very different personalities and skills, work together added a lot to the story.

Tin God also has delightful smaller moments scattered throughout, though, such as the scene about half-way through, in which Brigid, Tenzin, and Lee are trying to be detectives – to figure out which boat, out of the myriads of boats on their computer screen, might be the one with the bad guys on it.   I tend to read more mysteries than fantasy, and I felt happily at home as they bickered half-heartedly, while looking more-or-less logically for an answer.

Although I have only read a few other Elemental books thus far, Hunter does a nice job of setting the scene for Tin God via the prologue, and also provides bits of background throughout the book when needed.   And the chart at the front of the book, detailing the various Elemental series helped too.  Still, I’m actually looking forward to rereading Tin God sometime again in the future, when I’ve caught up with more of the earlier Elemental books.    I have a feeling that I may have missed a few things along the way.  But, even as a semi-standalone, as it was for me, Tin God was a wild and enjoyable trip, and well worth reading late into the night.

And finally, my thanks to the author for the review copy!

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